Momentum Creative Community
A 6-month program to expand and unleash your creativity!
Armand Ruby
"Equinox Musical Film" On the Equinox there is equal day and equal night everywhere on earth – a picture of balance. Discover how forgiveness, gratitude and love can be the keys to finding balance in a chaotic world.
Three years ago we had a successful debut of "Equinox" the musical play to nearly-full houses at the Louden Nelson Center in Santa Cruz. Now it is my fervent hope, fondest dream, and burning desire to make this compelling and moving play into a full-length film! Looking for collaborators and supporters of all sorts, I announce this intention here and now, and invite the participation of all interested beings!The working model for this movie-making enterprise is the musical "Once", a relatively low-budget film which became a success on the independent movie circuit (Wikipedia has a good summary), and is now enjoying a successful run on Broadway. Through dialog, song, and dance, Equinox shows us how love, forgiveness, and gratitude can help us survive in the face of intense challenges. Equinox reminds us that everyone has a story - and many times that story is a mystery waiting to be revealed. See more at: .